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Speak English with the Theatre (per adulti) Rimini

RiminiCorsi di Formazione
Da Mercoledì 20 Febbraio 2019 • Ore 20:00 a Mercoledì 10 Aprile 2019 • Ore 22:00

Corso di lingua inglese con mediazione teatrale in 8 incontri per apprendere la lingua inglese.
English language course with theatrical mediation - 8 meetings to learn English .
Teacher : Kim Martine Clark
Originally from Nottingham (Robin Hood area), England - has lived in London, Milan, Florence and Hollywood.
Programma N. 8 incontri
1° introduzione e presentazione
1. Introductions and presentation - “ Hello, my name is Kim how are you and where do you come from?”

2° Bar
2. Bar - “Hello and good afternoon what would you like to drink ..?

3° Ristorante
3. Restaurant - “Good evening Sir/Madam here is your menu / may I take your order please ?”

4° Viaggiare in treno aereo bus
4. Travel (plane/ bus/ train) - “Can I book 2 tickets to London please..?”

5° Shopping
5.Shopping - “Hello, I would like to buy this yellow shirt, do you have my size and can I try it on ?”

6° Hotel
6.Hotel - “Good afternoon, I would like to book a single room with a view of Buckingham Palace..?”

7 Interessi e Tempo libero
7. Free time activities - Cinema/Ice skating/Concert.- “Could I buy a ticket for the show of Mary Poppins ..?”

8 Feedback e corus line
8.Feedback / corus line - Students to choose their role play

iscrizioni cell 3472465064



Luogo e Indirizzo

Centro di Espressione Teatrale