L'evento è terminato in data 12 Marzo 2020 alle ore 18:00.

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Rem energy 2020 Ravenna

RavennaConvegni & Seminari
Da Mercoledì 11 Marzo 2020 • Ore 09:00 a Giovedì 12 Marzo 2020 • Ore 18:00

The urgent need to promote the transition towards a decarbonized sustainable future calls for a portfolio of solutions able to promote medium-term sustainability with the necessity of restructuring not only of the whole energy industry (accounting for 60% of GHG emissions) but also overcoming the actual model of linear economy.

There is a general consensus that renewables alone cannot be the only solution to provide sustainable energy to an ever- growing demand of energy, which will be faced by a 9 billion people world in 2050.
Rather, they will have to be complemented by a range of technologies and solutions able to provide clean mobility, both at city level and at long-haul range, heating and cooling solutions to the growing world’s megacities, and efficient management of wastes.

New patterns are therefore emerging, extending the concept of renewables to domains such as the sea and the oceans (tidal and wave energy in addition to wind offshore), improving energy storage as a means to solve renewables variability, revisiting the concept of hydrogen economy, introducing the paradigm of circular economy to waste management, and exploring new routes to convert captured CO2 to valuable products, such as polymers and concrete.
In the longer term, the nuclear fusion seems a very promising clean source of energy which might contribute to solve the decarbonization riddle.

The conference will therefore present the different technology routes that are being developed in the aforementioned domains and will stimulate discussion on the major issues related to a decarbonized, sustainable energy future.



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Viale Europa 1
Rem energy