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Gf La via del Sale Cervia

CerviaSportDomenica 19 Aprile 2020 • Ore 08:00

Gf via del Sale have created routes suitable for all cyclists. The sea, the hills, the climbs, the slopes... they have designed every emotion for you to participate in an unforgettable sporting day.

3 different challenge and one more...:

LONG - 152 KM 4 climbs, 2050 meters of difference in altitude.

MEDIUM - 105 KM 2 climbs, for a fun challenge.

SHORT - 77 KM A thrilling experience to enjoy this route all at one go for sports lovers surrounded by beauty.

GOURMET - 30 KM A pedalling cycle-gastronomic non-competitive route open to all, through the most picturesque coastal and inland Cervia spots, with stops and tastings of typical local products.



Luogo e Indirizzo
