L'evento è terminato in data 14 Luglio 2018 .

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Didgeridoo Pranayama - Breath Technique workshop - Si Mullumbi Forlimpopoli

ForlimpopoliBenessere & GreenSabato 14 Luglio 2018

Si Mullumbi è un amica di lunga data che spesso fa visita al Forlimpopoli Didjin’Oz Festival. Quest’anno tornerà a farci visita ed, insieme al suo concerto con i Wild Marmalade, porterà anche un workshop di respirazione. In questo workshop non imparerai a suonare il didgeridoo ma varie tecniche di respirazione.

Didgeridoo Pranayama è una tecnica di respirazione che Si Mullumbi ha sviluppato per abbracciare le proprietà terapeutiche e spirituali nel suonare il didgeridoo. Si ha separato il metodo come una pratica a se stante di tecnica di respirazione Pranayama che può essere insegnata a tutti. Questo “non” è un metodo per imparare a suonare il didgeridoo.

L’essenza di questo metodo è un breve respiro e un più lungo espiro integrato in un ritmo ciclico. I partecipanti respireranno insieme nel gruppo, tutti seguendo uno stesso ritmo allo stesso tempo, guidati da Si mentre suona il didgeridoo, che imposterà il tempo e l’intensità della pratica. La pratica coinvolge e stimola il sistema nervoso che porta ad un aumento di energia e calma.

Si Mullumbi is a longtime friend who often visit the Didjin&039Oz festival. This Year he will bring toghether with his power live concert also a new Breath workshop.
In This Workshop you will not learn how to play Didgeridoo but the breathing technique.

Didgeridoo Pranayama is a breath technique that Si Mullumby has developed to engage the therapeutic and spiritual properties of playing didgeridoo. Si has now separated the method as a distinct and stand-alone pranayama breathing practice that can be taught to anyone. This is not a ‘learn to play’ didgeridoo workshop.

The essence of the method is a short sharp inhale and a longer relaxed exhale integrated into a rhythmic cycle. Participants breath together in the group, all in the same pattern at the same time, lead by master player Si playing didgeridoo, setting the tempo and intensity of the practice. The practice engages and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system leading to increased energy, clarity and calmness.

About Si Mullumby
Si Mullumby was inspired to play didgeridoo after a mystical experience on a beach called Aum beach in India in 1992. Si realised that the core elements of the Indian spiritual system, that he had been practicing since his teenage years, were all intrinsic to the playing of Australiàs traditional instrument, the Yidaki, commonly known as the didgeridoo. In his moment of epiphany he realised a complete system for playing didgeridoo that combined meditation on the Aum, pranayama, Indian musicality, and the ability to express any feeling or emotion with the voice through this hollow tree. And it was from his home country Australia.

This system he now calls Didgeridoo Pranayama.
After returning to Australia in early 1993 Si cleared his old life, and started a new one, didgeridoo in hand. He withdrew from studying Medicine at the prestigious University of Western Australia where he was in the third year of his studies, and dedicated his life whole heartedly to playing didgeridoo. Si learnt to play as he hitchhiked 20 000km throughout the Australian wilderness. Much like a southern hemisphere ‘Into the Wild’ he spent long periods of time in the bush alone, practicing his breath method.

Aside from his career spanning more than twenty years, touring globally with the world’s original didgeridoo and drum band Wild Marmalade, Si has followed a parallel path pursuing his interest in chi gung, yoga and Indian spirituality. He works regularly alongside some of the world’s great modern yogis and yoginis. Si has worked with Elena Brower, Cameron Shayne, Simon Borg-Olivia, Shiva Rei and Clive Sheridan to name a few. He is a feature artist in Yoga events around the world.

Si is the founding member of Dream Drone, Australiàs leading sound journey project. He mentors young upcoming Indigenous Australian Artists. Si’s career hi-lights include working for Cirque du Soleil in Montreal and Las Vegas in 2004, performing three times at the Sydney Opera House and featuring on the discovery channel documentary Yidaki.

More info about Si Mullumby: https://www.didgeridoopranayama.com/

For book a place please visit:

This workshop is in English

Quando: Sabato 14 Luglio
Ora: 11-13
Prezzo: € 30,00



Luogo e Indirizzo

Piazza Fratti
Forlimpopoli Didjin&039Oz - Festival internazionale di Didgeridoo